Fr. CRCE is one of the educational institutions run by the SOCIETY OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, PILAR, INDIA duly registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, with registration No. Bom 13/1959 GB BSD dated 7th February 1959. The Society is also registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, with the Number in the Register of Public Trusts as F-741 (BOM) dated 31st March 1960.
The affairs of the institution are managed by the Governing Council and a decentralized, participative, well-delegated system as indicated below:
The Engineering College is managed by a "Governing Council" duly constituted as per AICTE norms. The Governing Council meets twice in a year.
Further, the College has a "Local Management Committee" constituted as per the guidelines of Mumbai University which also meets twice in a year.
The local management council meets, on an average, once in a month.
Capital expenditure, equipment purchase, staff matters, etc. are finalized with the approval of "Executive Committee" consisting of the Chairman of Governing Council, Director, Financial Controller, Advisors and Principal. The committee meets at least twice a month.
Oragnisation Chart

A well delegated, democratic and transparent system has been developed and followed facilitating decision making to ensure academic excellence through participation and involvement of all staff members. Staff members are involved as individual capacity and also as members of various committees listed below:
Sl.No | Function | Involvement | |
1 | Laboratory Development, Equipment Purchase | HOD, Concerned Faculty member, Expert | As per the purchase procedure |
2 | Selection of Lab Assistant | HOD | As member of Selection Committee |
3 | Academic Calendar & Time Table | Faculty Members | Time Table Committee |
4 | Extra Curricular Activities | Faculty Members & Students | Organized & managed by respective committee |
5 | Technical Activities & Professional Bodies | Faculty Members & Students | All activities are managed by respective Committees |
6 | Library Management | Librarian & Faculty Members | Members of the Library Committee |
7 | Staff Structure, Budgetary, Planning, Review of Academic progress | Faculty members & Non-teaching staff | As members of the College Development Committee |
8 | Alumni Activities | Faculty & Student Council representative | As members of Alumni Committee |
9 | Institute-Industry Interaction & Projects | Faculty & Technical Assistants | Resource Person / Co-ordinator |
10 | Academic programme monitoring | Deans & Class Teachers | IQAC Resource Person |
11 | Academic admistration | Dean Academic & Faculty members | Planning & Implementation |
12 | Tests, Examinations & Result Declaration | Academic & Support Staff | As per Exam Process Handbook |